
Showing posts from March, 2016

"We All Have That Kind of Sad Story"

Joy. Sadness. Hope. Despair. Love. Hatred. Pain. We all have that kind of these in our lives.  We just dunno how to deal with that. Well, it's not like I wanna brag about this, but, my heart tells me to. I never have loved someone as hard as Miley Cyrus crushed that wall with big wrecking ball she rode. But in fact, these days, I have. This has just begun, and I dunno how to deal with it. I have lost in so many ways. The days where I used to play cheerfully, now filled with the fact that I've lost into my own world of imagination, where not even someone knows. It hurts a lot, by the way. I hung on a single thread, leading my way into confusion, where there is no exact place to be visited. I'm blank in so many places. Every time I see a notification on my phone, I hoped that it comes from the one that I placed my eyes and heart on. I putted on a bet. "is it really from her?", "if yes, I'd answer quickly...". I hoped that, when...

Blankness & Heart-broken

Ada saatnya, dimana kita sudah cukup bersenang-senang sampe suatu titik kita merasa hampa, bahkan berniat untuk melakukan hal yang sama kembali. Ini yang sedang gue alami hari ini. Begitu gloomy,  sampe gue bener-bener ga berniat untuk ngelakuin apa-apa hari ini. Tapi kepikiran buat bikin blog, so here I am... Entah apa yang buat gue ngerasa kosong akhir-akhir ini. Mungkin karena liburan ( by the way, gue lagi liburan sekolah seminggu, besok udah masuk lagi hiks...), atau karena hal lain, gatau deh. Hari-hari liburan gue isi sebagian besar dengan bermain game di rumah all day. Nothing else than sitting all day in front of my computer, playing games all time, like there is no other life for me. That's how I am for the holiday. Besok udah masuk sekolah, dan gue masih males buat pegang buku pelajaran buat besok. Yah, gue sih udah susun buku dari lama, jadi besok tinggel angkat, berangkat deh. Sebelum ini, gue baru kenal satu cewe, dari game.  Biasa, insting, gue coba de...

Poem of Feelings

Aight, I'm coming back!  Kali ini gue gamau cerita kayak biasa, gue mau bawain puisi aja, hahahahahaha! (lebay yah o.o). Isinya gimana? Dibaca  aja yok! Here it is! (spoiler: isi puisi sedikit alay, dan ini handmade) Lost Love I've always wanted to get some love Not from parents, but from other From the opposite sex Then my life would be awesome So far, I've tried Yet still no one Had accepted this v ast feeling Felt so empty inside No matter how long I waited, How far I've been chasing, How patient I could be, Yet the result remain as same Some example, like you I tried everything To get your love And to give all my love I'm now blurred In the temporary, not eternally, Awesome feeling, That called as "love" While I keep trying I found myself That I'm in a loop That won't just end And each days passed away unnoticed As I throw away that feeling nowadays I closed my heart away And felt that emptiness I had ha...